N95 Respirator Masks

Attention patients of PWOG:

N95 respirators with a built-in exhalation valve are not allowed for in-office appointments at our practice. This follows an order by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. We understand that this type of mask may have been allowed previously, but at this time, it is not allowed in our office. We invite you to learn more below and also view the announcement in full here.

"Note that any mask that incorporates a one-way valve (typically a raised plastic cylinder about the size of a quarter on the front or side of the mask) that is designed to facilitate easy exhaling is not a Face Covering under this Order and is not to be used to comply with this Order's requirements. Valves of that type permit droplet release from the mask, putting others nearby at risk."

Again, we encourage patients with questions about this type of mask to view the announcement in full here.

Thank you.