Blog | Tags | Menopause

The Impact of Menopause on Mental Health: Addressing Anxiety and Depression

Menopause can be a challenging experience — physically and emotionally. It's normal to feel sadness and stress during this process. However, it's important to understand how menopause can impact m…

Bone Health and Menopause: Preventing Osteoporosis

Menopause, although a natural aspect of aging in women, can have effects on the body that require vigilance and care. In addition to changes in mood, sleep, and hot flashes, menopause can also affect…

Coping with Hot Flashes: Practical Solutions for Everyday Life

There is no doubt that hot flashes are an uncomfortable experience, but you can cope with hot flashes in your everyday life by implementing several practical solutions. Below are some tips to help…

Three Signs That Your Period Isn't Normal

Periods are known to differ from woman to woman, especially in terms of blood flow, duration, and pain. Therefore it may be difficult to determine whether your symptoms have passed into the threshold…

How Will I Know When Menopause Is Starting?

Generally, as women reach their 40s and 50s, they start to go through a biological change known as menopause, which is a phase in which the ovaries stop releasing eggs. The most defining external…